Valentine Gifting Options for your Pregnant Wife

She is pregnant, she is nurturing a life within her. There is no better time to pamper her than now. Remember, you used to buy flowers for her, get chocolates and jewelry. Those fancy dinners with roses, chardonnay, and all things romantic. Well, she won’t necessarily be needing any of that. Start thinking like a parent-to-be and keep the romance alive too. In just a few weeks she will bring you the biggest joy ever, so gift her something amazing to make her journey comfortable. While you show your care and concern you are basically saying “I love you”. So depending on her trimester of pregnancy, we have some gifting ideas for you. Yes, you have to put that much thought.
First Trimester
The first three months are little confusing and months of settling in. The body and mind are not acting like the best of friends and hormones are on a roll. Don’t even talk about nausea and morning sickness. So, let’s cheer her up with a nice maternity dress, in the finest of fabric and the happiest of colors. Make sure it’s not a gown, just out of a Victorian saga, she won’t be able to wear it. Gift her something comfortable, like a top or a maternity dress, or a simple kurta. Club it with flowers and a cup of chamomile tea. Her day is made and so is yours.
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Second trimester
The second trimester is fast in terms of body changes, her belly will grow faster than you know, all her clothes will be tight, she will need more space, and will crave innate things. She will have started regular hospital visits, prenatal exercises, and walks are her routine. This is the time to make her feel beautiful. Buy her a maternity wrap, which covers her belly and is super breezy too, she can wear it for hospital visits, walks, offices, and malls, wherever she wants. Make sure to choose a happy color. This will come in handy post-delivery too as a breastfeeding cover-up. Don’t forget to club it with her favorite ice cream tub, and a generous compliment.

Third Trimester
She is ready. She might be nesting. Her body is preparing for childbirth. She is mentally preparing herself for childbirth. She is getting herself ready for childbirth. She needs to relax now; she needs to give up all her worries and concerns about all the matters in the world and just focus on her baby. This is the time to share her load and get her the hospital bag /maternity bag she needs to pack for the delivery. You will be taking a huge load off her chest when you do this. She is worried about preparation for her baby so you take over this part of preparing her for the hospital.

These gifts are not just valentine's gifts, they are the actual expression of being a pregnant partner. To be there in every step of life is what the idea of companionship is, and to find happiness together in each such moment is romance. So express your love today.